

and get a lot of goodwill at the same time

Custom printed




We can print the detectors with whatever message you want to bring to your customers

Place your message in front of new or existing customers


it will be displayed for 3 month

In the office, car, boat, RV or at the fridge at home

People will look at it several times a day, which gives your name a lot of attention



























Carbon Monoxide Detector

Color-Metric Carbon Monoxide Detector - Spot Type.

Detector badge is square

55 x 55 mm.

C A R B O N    M O N O X I D E





You probably already know…

That within just a few minutes, you can collapse and die of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning if exposed to heavy doses.


But did you also know…

-                       Severe heart and brain damage can result

                        from exposure to non-fatal levels of CO.


-                       Pre-birth exposure to CO has been linked

                        to learning and memory defects.

-                       Flu or virus is often blamed when in fact CO

                        poisoning is the cause. Lower levels of dangerous

                        CO gas can cause symptoms

                        such as headache, drowsiness, fatigue, nausea,

                        vomiting, fluttering or throbbing of the heart,

                        weakness, dizziness and dimmed vision.


-                       Infants and small children are much more

                        susceptible since severity of poisoning depends

                        on body size.


Where Does It Come From?

Carbon Monoxide occurs anywhere fossil fuels are burned. When fuels such as gasoline, kerosene, natural gas, propane, coal, charcoal or wood are burned without sufficient air, deadly CO gas is produced.

CO gas comes from sources such as faulty or poorly ventilated hot water heaters, stoves, furnaces, space heaters, gasoline engines and charcoal grills or other fuel burning appliances.




Detector Carbon Monoxide Indicators…

Detect the presence of deadly Carbon Monoxide gas. The circle turns grey or black, depending on the concentration of CO, and returns to normal when exposed to fresh air again. Instructions included. Adhesive backed. Mounts anywhere. Perfect for home, car, garage, RV, boat, airplane and workplace.

Thousands of people are killed or injured from exposure to Carbon Monoxide gas each year. Protect yourselves and your family with a Detector Carbon Monoxide Indicator.


1 2   G O O D   R E A S O N S   T O   U S E

C A R B O N   M O N O X I D E   D E T E C T O R S .


1.                     Carbon Monoxide (CO) cannot be  detected by

                        human sences. It is colorless, odorless and

                        tasteless. It is an insidious poison.


2.                     CO can cause death, or permanent injury to

                        oxygen-rich tissue, such as brain and heart.

                        It is a cumulative poison. Even low levels of CO

                        can cause irreversible learning and memory

                        defects in fetuses.


3.                     Fire fatalities are often caused by CO. CO gas may

                        overcome unsuspecting victims well before the

                        smoke alarm goes off.

                        Smoke alarms do not offer complete protection.


4.                     Even low levels of CO can impair judgement,

                        impede facility and greatly increase risk of

                        accidents and injury to motorists and

                        machine operators.


5.                     Early symptoms of Carbon Monoxide poisoning

                        (dizziness, headache, nausea, fatigue) are

                        frequently misdiagnosed as flu or virus.


6.                     Persons with cardiovascular impairment are very

                        susceptible to Carbon Monoxide poisoning.

                        Other high risk groups include children and pets.

                        Effects of CO are inversely related to body mass

                        (smaller the body, the faster and more damaging

                        the impact of CO). Persons suffering from anemia

                        or respiratory ailments are also at extreme

                        risk, as are the elderly.


7.                     Heart attacks and other thoracic complaints have

                        been correlated with high background CO levels in

                        the atmosphere.


8.                     Half of all poisonings are attributed to Carbon



9.                     Appliance malfunction and backdrafting cause

                        about 1.500 fatalities each year in the United

                        States, plus another 10.000 serious injuries

                        (such as paralysis, blindness, permanent brain

                        damage) as well as a large number of long-term

                        health problems. Cronic exposure to even

                        moderately low levels of CO will lessen your life

                        span. CO is a major component of cigarette

                        smoke, and a major cause of coronary artery



10.                   Many CO poisonings occur because energy

                        conservation measures may cause a vacuum effect

                        in the home which causes backdrafting.


11.                   Automobiles are a major cause of CO. Many

                        incidents involving automobiles are the result of

                        faulty exhaust systems. But, often problems occur

                        in vehicles having exhaust systems that are in

                        perfect condition. For example, flat-backed

                        vehicles such as vans/mini-vans and station

                        wagons can create a negative pressure at the

                        rear, which can cause exhaust fumes to be sucked

                        into the vehicle through cracks in door/window

                        seals, ill-fitting seams, or rust spots.

                        This same negative pressure effect can also occur

                        in other types of cars where exhaust fumes are

                        sucked into the trunk through imperfections in

                        rubber trunk seal and then into passenger



12.                   Use of Detector Carbon Monoxide Indicators will

                        greatly reduce the number of deaths and injuries.

Do you feel safe going to bed?